My husband Keenan and I both left our captive carrier, Country Financial in September 2018. When we left I was 8 months pregnant and we had just gotten married earlier that year. We sold our first policy in November while i was still in the hospital with our first child together. Keenan grew up on a dairy farm and spent time in Nashville, TN as an aspiring country music artist. He volunteers with the special Olympics and other charitable organizations. I come from my family's manufactured/modular housing retail business, involved in regional tourism and am currently president of my Chamber of Commerce. We have 6 children ranging from 23 to 2 years old.
We speak with a prepared agenda. Use to speaking to large crowds in various environments. We aim to keep it entertaining and engaging by playing on the husband/wife component. I can talk about the difficult topics but with a smile on my face. Motivational, pushing on and working this current market into favor for one's specific agency. At the end of the speaking engagement, viewers will end up motivated, self reflecting and with a smile on their face. For topics, husband/Wife teams, farm insurance niche, running an agency in a rural area, captive to indy transition, and agency automation.
Event Name: IAOA 2021, VIAA Spring Conference 2024