David Watson is a partner of Mappus Insurance Agency, an independent insurance firm in South Carolina that specializes in personal insurance. David has helped Mappus Insurance grow at least 25% Year over Year the past 4 years. He leads the Sales Team by providing structure, processes, and additional coaching. David is also the founder of RiskAdvisor, an IndieTech SaaS tool that helps independent agents streamline the insurance quoting process and write more profitable personal lines accounts. With RiskAdvisor, over the past three years, David has written over $1M in personal lines insurance premium each year - and his goal is to help other independent agents write more profitable accounts, too. He believes the independent agent is invaluable to the insurance buying process and is on a mission to help agents around the country grow and thrive. David lives in Lexington, SC with his wife and three daughters. When he’s not working you can find him spending weekends with his wife and 3 daughters or playing golf.
David can go motivational, informational or a blend. For topics: technology, processes, automation, leadership, and growth.
Event Name: PIAAR Convention 2024