Step 1 of 8 12% Agency Standards$ Rate Increase Flag:$100$150$200$240$250$300$350$400$500% Rate Increase Flag:5%8%10%12%15%20%25%Auto Liability Minimum:25/5050/100100/300250/500OtherComp Deductible:$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000OtherCollision Deductible:$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000OtherRental:None$20$30$40$50$100Towing:YNN/ARepair/Replace:YNN/AMedPay/PIP:$0$2500$5000$10000$25000$50000Glass:YNN/AHome Liability:$100,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,000Home Water Sewer:$5000$10000$15000$20000$25000Agency Name: PRE-CALL CHECKLIST – Complete details before the callClient Name:Agent Name:Julie HulboyShannon HyerCharlie GrindleyAmy DanleyGrayson ThompsonDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Contact Information for Insureds:1. Insured1. Name First Last 1. CellYNN/A1. E-MailYNN/A1. DOBYNN/A1. SS#YNN/A1. DL#YNN/A1. OccupationYNN/A1. Notes2. Insured2. Name First Last 2. CellYNN/A2. E-MailYNN/A2. DOBYNN/A2. SS#YNN/A2. DL#YNN/A2. OccupationYNN/A2. Notes3. Insured3. Name First Last 3. CellYNN/A3. E-MailYNN/A3. DOBYNN/A3. SS#YNN/A3. DL#YNN/A3. OccupationYNN/A3. Notes4. Insured4. Name First Last 4. CellYNN/A4. DOBYNN/A4. SS#YNN/A4. DL#YNN/A4. OccupationYNN/A4. E-MailYNN/A4. Notes5. Insured5. Name First Last 5. CellYNN/A5. E-MailYNN/A5. DOBYNN/A5. SS#YNN/A5. DL#YNN/A5. OccupationYNN/A5. NotesReview account activity & note anything important: Review account activity & note anything important:If polices renew at different dates you would add the current premium to this term premium and the last renewal in last term premium. Policy 1Policy1.Last Term Premium1.This Term Premium1.$ Rate Change1.% Rate ChangePayment TypePay in fullMonthly EFTMortgagee BillQuarterly BillWalk in PaymentConsistently Late PaymentCash/Monthly PaymentPolicy 2Policy2.Last Term Premium2.This Term Premium2.$ Rate Change2.% Rate ChangePayment TypePay in fullMonthly EFTMortgagee BillQuarterly BillWalk in PaymentConsistently Late PaymentCash/Monthly PaymentPolicy 3Policy3.Last Term Premium3.This Term Premium3.$ Rate Change3.% Rate ChangePayment TypePay in fullMonthly EFTMortgagee BillQuarterly BillWalk in PaymentConsistently Late PaymentCash/Monthly PaymentPolicy 4Policy4.Last Term Premium4.This Term Premium4.$ Rate Change4.% Rate ChangePayment TypePay in fullMonthly EFTMortgagee BillQuarterly BillWalk in PaymentConsistently Late PaymentCash/Monthly PaymentTOTALSTotal: Last Term PremiumTotal: This Term PremiumTotal: $ Rate ChangeTotal: % Rate ChangeIf rate is above agency standard check why: None Endorsement Claim Tickets/Accidents Weather Pay History Lost Defensive Driving Discount Lost Pay In Full or EFT Discount Youthful Drivers Protection Class Company Rate Increase Lost Multi-policy Discount AUTO COVERAGEVehicle 11. Vehicle/Toy1. Liability25/5050/100100/300250/500Other1. Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other1. Coll Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other1. RentalNone$20$30$40$50$1001. TowingYNN/A1. Repair/ReplaceYNN/A1. MedPay/PIP$0$2500$5000$10000$25000$500001. GlassYNN/AVehicle 22. Vehicle/Toy2. Liability25/5050/100100/300250/500Other2. Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other2. Coll Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other2. RentalNone$20$30$40$50$1002. TowingYNN/A2. Repair/ReplaceYNN/A2. MedPay/PIP$0$2500$5000$10000$25000$500002. GlassYNN/AVehicle 33. Vehicle/Toy3. Liability25/5050/100100/300250/500Other3. Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other3. Coll Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other3. RentalNone$20$30$40$50$1003. TowingYNN/A3. Repair/ReplaceYNN/A3. MedPay/PIP$0$2500$5000$10000$25000$500003. GlassYNN/AVehicle 44. Vehicle/Toy4. Liability25/5050/100100/300250/500Other4. Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other4. Coll Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other4. RentalNone$20$30$40$50$1004. TowingYNN/A4. Repair/ReplaceYNN/A4. MedPay/PIP$0$2500$5000$10000$25000$500004. GlassYNN/AVehicle 55. Vehicle/Toy5. Liability25/5050/100100/300250/500Other5. Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other5. Coll Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other5. RentalNone$20$30$40$50$1005. TowingYNN/A5. Repair/ReplaceYNN/A5. MedPay/PIP$0$2500$5000$10000$25000$500005. GlassYNN/AHOME COVERAGEProperty 11. Property1. Liability$100,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,0001. Deductibles$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%1. Roof-10+10UnknownOver 20 Years1. Water SewerNone$1000$2500$5000$10000$15000$20000$250001. Service LineYNN/A1. AlarmYNN/A1. Scheduled ItemsYNN/A1. Equip BreakdownYNN/AProperty 22. Property2. Liability$100,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,0002. Deductibles$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%2. Roof-10+10UnknownOver 20 Years2. Water SewerNone$1000$2500$5000$10000$15000$20000$250002. Service LineYNN/A2. AlarmYNN/A2. Scheduled ItemsYNN/A2. Equip BreakdownYNN/AProperty 33. Property3. Liability$100,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,0003. Deductibles$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%3. Roof-10+10UnknownOver 20 Years3. Water SewerNone$1000$2500$5000$10000$15000$20000$250003. Service LineYNN/A3. AlarmYNN/A3. Scheduled ItemsYNN/A3. Equip BreakdownYNN/AProperty 44. Property4. Liability$100,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,0004. Deductibles$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%4. Roof-10+10UnknownOver 20 Years4. Water SewerNone$1000$2500$5000$10000$15000$20000$250004. Service LineYNN/A4. AlarmYNN/A4. Scheduled ItemsYNN/A4. Equip BreakdownYNN/AProperty 55. Property5. Liability$100,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,0005. Deductibles$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%5. Roof-10+10UnknownOver 20 Years5. Water SewerNone$1000$2500$5000$10000$15000$20000$250005. Service LineYNN/A5. AlarmYNN/A5. Scheduled ItemsYNN/A5. Equip BreakdownYNN/ALIST SCHEDULED ITEMSDISCOUNT REVIEWAUTO AAA Deductible Change Defensive Driving E Policy Good Student Loyalty Memberships/Associations Mileage Multi-Policy Occupation Pay In Full Usage Based/Telematics Martial Status Vehicle Usage HOME Multi-Policy Loyalty Monitored Burglar/Fire Roof Electrical Update Plumbing Update Gated Community Smoker Sensor for Leaks Deductible Payment Terms E Policy Recent RCE/MSB OTHER COVERAGESFloodYNN/AEarthquakeYNN/ALifeYNN/AUmbrellaYNN/AToy (Boat, RV, ATV, etc)YNN/AMobile/Manuf HomeYNN/ARental PropertyYNN/AIf they have an umbrella, confirm all underlying coverages are up to date and accurate according to your records. NOTES MAKE THE CALLCALL RESULTSLeft VoicemailCalled BackCall ConnectedBad Information – Sent LetterTextedVOICEMAIL (Remember use professional voice) Hello, this is (YOUR NAME) from (MISSION INSURANCE AGENCY) . I am the insurance agent on for your POLICY TYPES with COMPANY Name and wanted to let you know that I was reviewing your insurance policy and had a few items I wanted to go over with you, this week. Please call me between 9am and 5pm, this week or email me a time that works to contact you, I can review your options with you. Thank you for your business! RESULT Sent Email Sent Text Documented Call (See Last Page For Guidelines on how to document the call) Sent Bad Contact Latter CALLED BACK OR CALL CONNECTEDIntroduction & Rapport:Introduce yourself as their agent – “Good Morning Mrs. Last Name. This is , your insurance agent from Insurance Agency. I hope you are well today.” State the reason for your call“I’m calling because your policy name with company name is coming up for renewal and we wanted to make sure we have all the most up-to-date information for your protection and to maximize your discounts.” Obtain updated contact information– “Ok, let’s get started. I only need a few minutes. Is this the best number to reach you? Is this the best email address for you? Can you confirm this is your mailing address? In the event we need to reach you, what’s the best secondary phone number and email address?” (Hint: don’t ask for the information; instead recite what you have on file and ask them to confirm it!) Call Result 11. Name First Last 1. CellYNN/A1. E-MailYNN/A1. DOBYNN/A1. SS#YNN/A1. DL#YNN/A1. OccupationYNN/ACall Result 22. Name First Last 2. CellYNN/A2. E-MailYNN/A2. DOBYNN/A2. SS#YNN/A2. DL#YNN/A2. OccupationYNN/ACall Result 33. Name First Last 3. CellYNN/A3. E-MailYNN/A3. DOBYNN/A3. SS#YNN/A3. DL#YNN/A3. OccupationYNN/ACall Result 44. Name First Last 4. CellYNN/A4. E-MailYNN/A4. DOBYNN/A4. SS#YNN/A4. DL#YNN/A4. OccupationYNN/ANameCellE-mailDOBSS#DL#Occupation Add RemoveNotes REVIEW1. Deductible – “If you had a loss, what is the highest deductible you would be comfortable with?”VEHICLESVEHICLE 11. Vehicle1. Current Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other1. Desired Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other1. Current Auto Collision Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other1. Desired Auto Collision Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000OtherVEHICLE 22. Vehicle2. Current Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other2. Desired Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other2. Current Auto Collision Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other2. Desired Auto Collision Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000OtherVEHICLE 33. Vehicle3. Current Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other3. Desired Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other3. Current Auto Collision Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other3. Desired Auto Collision Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000OtherVEHICLE 44. Vehicle4. Current Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other4. Desired Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other4. Current Auto Collision Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other4. Desired Auto Collision Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000OtherVEHICLE 55. Vehicle5. Current Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other5. Desired Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other5. Current Auto Collision Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other5. Desired Auto Collision Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000OtherHOMEHOME 11. Home1. Current Home Deductible$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%1. Desired Home Deductible$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%HOME 22. Home2. Current Home Deductible$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%2. Desired Home Deductible$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%HOME 33. Home3. Current Home Deductible$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%3. Desired Home Deductible$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%HOME 44. Home4. Current Home Deductible$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%4. Desired Home Deductible$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%HOME 55. Home5. Current Home Deductible$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%5. Desired Home Deductible$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%2. Occupation – this will help you understand what they need “Tell me, what do you do for a living? Do you have a home-based business? Are you driving for Uber or Lyft, or any delivery service? Or have recently changed jobs?Occupation Coverage & Cross Education Check coverage based on occupation Check coverage for home based business Ask of they want a business insurance review Check to add endorsement for delivery services Change jobs? Check on life insurance Check mileage 3. People in the Household—this will help you understand who needs to be on the policies “Can you tell me if the following people still live with you?” “Do you have any youthful drivers or children? When will they be of driving age?NameNotesNameNotesNameNotesNameNotesCoverage and Cross Education TipEducate: Need for umbrella with youthful drivers4. Toys -“Have you purchased any new toys (Boat, RV, ATV, motorcycle, or golf cart?)YesNoNotesCoverage and Cross Education TipDo we insure them?Educate the client on bundling discountsCheck umbrella to make sure these are listedOffer umbrella as toys can present additional risk5. Home Improvements – “Have you made any improvements to your home in the last 5 years? Such as security system, updated roofs, finished basements, trampolines, pools, garages or changed your heating system?”YesNoNotesCoverage and Cross Education TipCheck discounts for roof and security systemCheck water sewer back up for finished basements6. Investment Properties/Home Rental – “Do you have investment properties, or do you ever rent your home out?”YesNoNotesCoverage and Cross Education TipDo we insure them? Offer a review7. Gifts, Jewelry, Antiques – “Have you recently received or inherited any valuable items? Currently we have the following on your policy, is there anything to add or delete?”YesNoLIST SCHEDULED ITEMSClick the + to add another item. Add RemoveCoverage and Cross Education TipReview do they need an inland marine?8. Do you own any businesses? – “Did you know we also have a commercial division?”YesNoNotesCoverage and Cross Education Tip9. Confirm Mortgagee Company – “Who is your current mortgagee company?” RECOMMENDATIONAUTOVehicle 11. Vehicle/Toy1. Liability25/5050/100100/300250/500Other1. Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other1. Coll Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other1. RentalNone$20$30$40$50$1001. TowingYNN/A1. Repair/ReplaceYNN/A1. MedPay/PIP$0$2500$5000$10000$25000$500001. GlassYNN/AVehicle 22. Vehicle/Toy2. Liability25/5050/100100/300250/500Other2. Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other2. Coll Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other2. RentalNone$20$30$40$50$1002. TowingYNN/A2. Repair/ReplaceYNN/A2. MedPay/PIP$0$2500$5000$10000$25000$500002. GlassYNN/AVehicle 33. Vehicle/Toy3. Liability25/5050/100100/300250/500Other3. Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other3. Coll Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other3. RentalNone$20$30$40$50$1003. TowingYNN/A3. Repair/ReplaceYNN/A3. MedPay/PIP$0$2500$5000$10000$25000$500003. GlassYNN/AVehicle 44. Vehicle/Toy4. Liability25/5050/100100/300250/500Other4. Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other4. Coll Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other4. RentalNone$20$30$40$50$1004. TowingYNN/A4. Repair/ReplaceYNN/A4. MedPay/PIP$0$2500$5000$10000$25000$500004. GlassYNN/AVehicle 55. Vehicle/Toy5. Liability25/5050/100100/300250/500Other5. Comp Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other5. Coll Ded$0$50$100$200$250$500$750$1000Other5. RentalNone$20$30$40$50$1005. TowingYNN/A5. Repair/ReplaceYNN/A5. MedPay/PIP$0$2500$5000$10000$25000$500005. GlassYNN/ANOTESHOMEProperty 11. Property1. Liability$100,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,0001. Deductibles$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%1. Roof-10+10UnknownOver 20 Years1. Water SewerNone$1000$2500$5000$10000$15000$20000$250001. Service LineYNN/A1. AlarmYNN/A1. Scheduled ItemsYNN/A1. Equip BreakdownYNN/AProperty 22. Property2. Liability$100,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,0002. Deductibles$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%2. Roof-10+10UnknownOver 20 Years2. Water SewerNone$1000$2500$5000$10000$15000$20000$250002. Service LineYNN/A2. AlarmYNN/A2. Scheduled ItemsYNN/A2. Equip BreakdownYNN/AProperty 33. Property3. Liability$100,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,0003. Deductibles$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%3. Roof-10+10UnknownOver 20 Years3. Water SewerNone$1000$2500$5000$10000$15000$20000$250003. Service LineYNN/A3. AlarmYNN/A3. Scheduled ItemsYNN/A3. Equip BreakdownYNN/AProperty 44. Property4. Liability$100,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,0004. Deductibles$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%4. Roof-10+10UnknownOver 20 Years4. Water SewerNone$1000$2500$5000$10000$15000$20000$250004. Service LineYNN/A4. AlarmYNN/A4. Scheduled ItemsYNN/A4. Equip BreakdownYNN/AProperty 55. Property5. Liability$100,000$300,000$500,000$1,000,0005. Deductibles$500$1000$2500$50001%2%5%5. Roof-10+10UnknownOver 20 Years5. Water SewerNone$1000$2500$5000$10000$15000$20000$250005. Service LineYNN/A5. AlarmYNN/A5. Scheduled ItemsYNN/A5. Equip BreakdownYNN/ANOTESOTHER COVERAGESFloodYNN/AEarthquakeYNN/ALifeYNN/AUmbrellaYNN/AToy (Boat, RV, ATV, etc)YNN/AMobile/Manuf HomeYNN/ARental PropertyYNN/APolicy 11. Policy1.$ Rate Change1. Monthly Change (12 Months)1. Monthly Change (6 Months)1.% Rate ChangePayment TypePay in fullMonthly EFTMortgagee BillQuarterly BillWalk in PaymentConsistently Late PaymentCash/Monthly PaymentPolicy 22. Policy2.$ Rate Change2. Monthly Change (12 Months)2. Monthly Change (6 Months)2.% Rate ChangePayment TypePay in fullMonthly EFTMortgagee BillQuarterly BillWalk in PaymentConsistently Late PaymentCash/Monthly PaymentPolicy 33. Policy3.$ Rate Change3. Monthly Change (12 Months)3. Monthly Change (6 Months)3.% Rate ChangePayment TypePay in fullMonthly EFTMortgagee BillQuarterly BillWalk in PaymentConsistently Late PaymentCash/Monthly PaymentPolicy 44. Policy4.$ Rate Change4. Monthly Change (12 Months)4. Monthly Change (6 Months)4.% Rate ChangePayment TypePay in fullMonthly EFTMortgagee BillQuarterly BillWalk in PaymentConsistently Late PaymentCash/Monthly PaymentDue to policy period of 12 months and 6 months you will need to do your own total calculations.TIP – Always talk about rate increases in monthly figures. When you are saving money talk about annual savings.NOTESDISCOUNT REVIEWRemember: Present 3 benefits for each discount. Identify the savings on the phone with the client.AUTO AAA Loyalty Occupation Deductible Change Membership/Associations Pay In Full Defensive Driving Usage Based/Telematics E Policy Mileage Marital Status Good Student Multi-Policy Vehicle Usage HOME Multi-Policy Plumbing Update Payment Terms Loyalty Gated Community E Policy Monitored Burglar/Fire Smoker Recent RCE/MSB Roof Sensor for Leaks Electrical Update Deductible RESHOP PROHIBITORSIf you must remarket the account go to the very end of this form to validate the remarket.Next Steps:Confirm the date and time you will be back in touch with any of the following – remember we should set an appointment with them: Changes:Date to Process MM slash DD slash YYYY Cross Selling Quotes:Date to Process MM slash DD slash YYYY Remarkets:Date to Process MM slash DD slash YYYY List any personal details gathered (pets names, kids names, vacation spots, hobbies) this will make future calls more personal!Thank them for their business:“I want to let you know how much we appreciate your business. We know you have insurance choices, so if you ever need anything be sure to call us first so we can take care of you.” Referral:“We love helping people just like you, if you know anyone who needs help with their insurance please have them call me.” MANAGEMENT SYSTEMQQCatalyst, AMS360, Hawksoft, Ezlynx & OtherAccount Review – Used to close out the suspense/activity that initiated the Account ReviewAccount Review Attempt – Attach your Call Sheet to this activity, you would use this if the client does not answer and you leave a message. Then send the appropriate Left Voicemail Email.Account Review Bad Contact – Attach your Call Sheet to this activity, you would use this if the client’s number has been disconnected or the number in file is incorrect.Account Review Contacted – Use this when you get the client live on the phone. Use this activity to create a suspense/open activity of any other items you need to follow up on.Account Review Call Back – Use this code to document the notes from a client who returned your renewal review call. Use this activity to create a suspense of any other items you need to follow up on.Increase – Use this code when you increase coverageRemarket Quote – Use this when you quote a remarket. Attach the quote to this activity.Remarketing Success – Use this when you get a signed app on a remarket. Attach the new signed app to this activity.Account Round Quote – Use this when you quote an account round. Attach the quote to this activity.Account Round Success – Use this when you get a signed app on an account round. Attach the new signed app to this activity.**Previous Reviewed All <10 months - Use this when you have already successfully completed an account review less than 10 months ago.MANAGEMENT SYSTEMEpic & TAMAccount Review – Successful – Account Review Call made and the person was contactedAccount Review – Unsuccessful – Attach your Call Sheet to this activity, you would use this if the client does not answer and you leave a message. Then send the appropriate Retention Email.Account Review – Unsuccessful-Bad Contact – Attach your Call Sheet to this activity, you would use this if the client’s number has been disconnected or the number in file is incorrect. Then send the Bad Contact Letter in the mail and add a “tag” to the account that updated contact information is needed.Increase – Successful – Use this code when you increase coverageIncrease – Unsuccessful – Use this code when you recommend coverage and the client declines itRemarket – Successful – Use this when you get a signed app on a remarket. Attach the new signed app to this activity.Account Round – Successful – Use this when you get a signed app on an account round. Attach the new signed app to this activity.Account Round Success – Unsuccessful Use this when you quote an account round but they don’t move forward with the quote**Previous Reviewed All <10 months - Use this when you have already successfully completed an account review less than 10 months ago. GeneralOpen Claims:YNPremium Threshold:Do we Want to Keep them?AUTOAge:HOMEPets:Property Type:Home Activities (day care, bike ramp, etc.):Roof:Electrical:Plumbing:Prior Term Cancellations:If client is still uncertain about rate:– Have you been happy with the current carrier? – Review the coverages they have are they available at another companyFinal Remarketing Determination:YesNoNotate the reason you are moving forward with the remarket?Property:“We can review other markets for sure. Before I do that I want to take a moment to review the process. If we do find another market they will require and inspection. You would be taking on the risk of what they find in the inspection and need to remedy it for them to stay on the property. Are you comfortable having someone on your property and taking on the risk of the inspection?”YesNoAuto:“Your new market will require a down payment to get started, your current market will continue with the new monthly payment. I always like to alert people before we begin.”YesNo“I can review some other options for you, how much would you be looking to save in order to switch insurance carriers?”