Name First Last AgencyPrimary ConcernPrimary Concern NotesBook of Business Breakdown100% Personal100% Commercial100% Life, Health, BenefitsMajority PersonalMajority CommercialMajority Life, Health , BenefitsOtherOther Book of Business BreakdownAgency TechManagement SystemAgency MateAMS360DyadEncoreEPICEZLynxHawksoftIrysJenesisMomentum (NowCerts)NASANewtonNovideaPartner PlatformSagittaSiegeTAMVerunaQQ CatalystXanatekNoneOtherOther Management SystemCRMAgencyZoomAutomate365BetterAgencybignitionClientCircleHubSpotInsuredMineInsurGridIntruityKeapNeonSalesforceNoneOtherOther CRMWebsite ProviderAdvisor EvolvedbrightfireAgency Revolution (Forge3)AlicorAnthemBanyon TheoryClientCircleEZLynxLevitateNoneOtherAgency Sales ProcessHow effective is your overall sales process?ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleWhere do your new leads come from? Client Referrals Professional Referrals Website/Google In-Person Events Paid Leads Paid Lead VendorsWhat could be better about your sales process?Agency Service ProcessHow effective is your overall service process?ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleHow do you train your clients to request policy changes? Phone Call Email Text Website Mobile App Carrier Servicing What could be better about your service process?Agency Renewal ProcessHow effective is your overall renewal process?ExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerribleWhat could be better about your renewal process?Consulting Catalyit can help ensure your software is set up correctly and train your team to use it effectively. We have consultants ready to assist with almost anything you might need. We’re here to guide you in streamlining operations and driving growth for your agency. Interested in Catalyit Consulting?Yes – Very HotYes – WarmYes – Not ReadyNot SureNo ThanksConsulting Topics Add RemoveAdditional Call NotesSP ReferralsManagement System SP Referral(s) Yes No CRM SP Referral(s) Yes No Additional SP Referral(s) Yes No Management System SP Referrals Agency Mate AMS360 Dyad Encore EPIC EZLynx Hawksoft Irys Jenesis Momentum (NowCerts) NASA Newton Novidea Partner Platform Sagitta Siege TAM Veruna QQ Catalyst Xanatek None CRM SP Referrals AgencyZoom Automate365 BetterAgency bignition ClientCircle HubSpot InsuredMine InsurGrid Intruity Keap Neon Salesforce None Other Additional SP Referral(s) AGENCY LICENSE COMPLIANCE Agent Sync Sircon Trust Layer CARRIER SUBMISSION MANAGEMENT Appulate bolt access DAIS DataCrest InsureZone CYBERSECURITY BlueZone CyberFin Rhodian Defend-id Enigma Networkz HAVOC SHIELD RLS Consulting RSM TEKRISQ TRAVA Thomas H. Wetzel and Associates DATA ANALYTICS DONNA informer LOSS SCAN premium logic AGENCY KPI cogneesol Core Analitica ennabl fenris digital Ask Fetch neon Power BI Qlik RiskMatch Synatic tableau DIGITAL PAYMENTS Applied Pay PayMyPremiums simply easier PAYMENTS agave AgentSnap ascend converge easypay epay policy Imperial PFS Input1 IntelliPay InsurePay quickbooks SimplePin WeSignature Xpress-pay ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE RSign Adobe Acrobat Sign AuthentiSIGN bridge docubee docusign DropboxSign formstack sign foxit ESIGN nintex PandaDoc Paperclip RightSignature SIgnatureMaster WeSignature IT/MSP Archway Rhodian Kite Technology motiva Netstar Redbird Security TPX Tri-State Westech MOBILE APPS GloveBox Insurance Agent App ONLINE APPLICATION FORMS indio SALT Simply Easier ACORD Forms AVYST Canopy Connect covie EasySend FE/RRO Quantxt RiskAdvisor RiskRevu winsurtech Wunderite XILO “OUTSOURCING” dyad *EXDION -Insu serve-1 PATRA *vBots -AgencyVA -cover desk InsuranceTechTalent -LAVA -MarbleBox NEXA SAVVITAL Virtual Insurance wahve VOIP blue C bridge Intruity lightspeed Premier RingCentral Tri-State TPX PREMIUM FINANCE PayMyPremiums AgentSnap Imperial PFS PAVO QUOTING PLATFORM – BENEFITS Applied Benefits Designer agencysmart backnine Bayshore Benefits BenefitMal Benefit Point (Vertafore) DropTicketLife ease ETHOS Formfire MyHealthily PerfectQuote Plainsight QUOTING PLATFORM – COMMERCIAL Commercial Submissions (Vertafore) RATE! TARMIKA Bold Penguin BondExchange FE/RRO SEMSEE QUOTING PLATFORMS – PERSONAL EZLynx PL Rating (Vertafore) Applied Rater Quotamation QuoteRUSH RiskAdvisor ZYWAVE SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS ActiveWords CareerPlug Certificate Hero InsCipher InsuranceGIG insureCert M2F PAVO SuretyMaster SwellChat tinubu We Build Zaps WorkSmart (Vertafore) TRAINING Total CSR ReferenceConnect (Vertafore) WEDGE Group USER COMMUNITIES ? CAPTCHA